Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am

One of my photographer icons posted the challenge to write three things about you that start with the words 'i am'

here is mine:

1 I am a mother, wife, friend, photographer, humanitarian, latter day saint, lover, cultural human and child of god.

2 I am not defined by my country, my clothes, my house, the contents of my wallet or any other material thing or world organization.

3 I am Lindy.

In Laue of this challenge i have started making self portraits that i feel can show how i feel that week. this is one that i set up last week. i will share some of them as i take them!

and ~ i started a new project...for boise's homeless... more soon.


Becky said...

very cool three statements, I like them a lot!

Mindy said...

You are one amazing girl, Lindy! :)

Rachel Holloway said...

VERY COOL! I like it!

birdeeb said...

What are you doing for the homeless...I am interested ;o)