Sunday, May 4, 2008

This Easter was so much fun! we cannot believe how fun Holidays are with your own family in your own home! We thought that they couldn't get better! And they did! My mom tells this story of how they traveled to Canada each winter for christmas for like five years then they decided to stay home and she says - "the sound of her little babies feet running down the stairs on christmas morning was more than she ever could have dreamed for christmas" but she forgot about easter!!!! what fun! here are a few pictures of his hunt and then later that day making easter eggs with the nieghbors (who really admire and LOVE coopy) Benni is on the right...he is his favorite buddy ever. cant wait for egg candy and suprises again next year... we got to teach coopy that the easter bunny comes to help us remember that Jesus loves us, died for us and that he LIVES> watching his surele confidant face say "thats right!" (like he always knew and is suprised that we knew!) was somthing else. and later that week he told his grammy "the easter bunny hid us candy to tell us Jesus is alive" it was great. family is the best thing on earth. lind

Its finally warm enough for the pool! We made some new friends too! Audrey and Davi (short "A" in davi)

They come swim with us and make pizza's and whatever they feel like...last time here they played "hero"
where the girls are maidens in distress and Cooper the knoble night comes to rescue them - it was fun because we didnt say a word!!! And the girls mom Kristin and I have become best of pals too - I am shooting her wedding this May 30th (thats how we met)

We want to come visit you all and are looking forward to Robs wedding! lind