Saturday, April 11, 2009

our easter party!

We found candy at gramyness's ranch then went to friends for dinner. cooper and lilly are like little twins i swear! its cute watching them play! here are some shots that i took with my new lens! (nikkor 14-24 af-s f/2.8g ed) its fantastic!


Mindy said...

Lindy, I love your photos! You are so talented! :) I'm putting your blog on my reader, so I can continue to be inspired. (Hope that's okay! ;)

Mindy (from mission24)

Sycamore Girl said...

cutie pics. whose lily?

Lindy Lue said...

lilly is my girlfriend kims daughter, his bff :) two weeks apart too!

Rachel Holloway said...

Those are so cute! And I agree with Mindy--I will back often for inspiration!! :)
Rachel (from M24)
Glad you are part of the group!