Lindy went to Vegas for a WPPI conferance (wedding proffesional...somthing) and learned that she is allready doing everything that she needs to be doing and better! there were over 400 vendors selling products and wedding albums but only ONE had the album that Lindy currently makes for her clients... and they rant and rave about them! she has 25 wedding signed through december of this year allready and only one a weekend- so it should be easier and just as good as last year! the season is about to kick off, come ap 25 she has but one weekend off till september. wish us luck this season. It sounds like we have recruited stephanie (aka Yope-E) to live with us this summer and annny cooper...which wil be a blast! Coopstar today said...just let me go be alone with yope-E and you go away momma. so i think he is really anticipating it too!